Tuesday, January 27, 2009


UpToDate is an evidence based, peer reviewed information resource aimed at medical staff. It allows you to answer questions quickly, increase your clinical knowledge, and improve patient care within a range of specialities including cardiology, endocrinology and diabetes, paediatrics, primary care and infectious diseases. It includes specially written topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, the latest evidence, and specific recommendations for patient care.

This is a trial subscription for the NHSGGC Library Network will be seeking your feedback on this resource in Spring.

UpToDate is on the NHS Scotland elibrary under the Clinical Decisions portal. User guides and further information are available from the library. You can contact us at 0141 211 3913.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

eLibrary/Literature searching training February & March 2009

The Maria Henderson Library is running NHS Scotland eLibrary/Literature searching training sessions for staff working in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Partnerships during February and March. Both basic and advanced sessions are available and all participants will receive a certificate of attendance which will map the training to the Knowledge and Skills Framework. These half day courses are free and refreshments will be provided. The sessions will be held in the IT Training Room, Admin Building, Gartnavel Royal, Glasgow.

All staff are welcome. Contact the Library for further details.

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